About Vicki Tree
Our story. Our founder. Our space
Our Story
Hello :) May name is Virginia Gingras and together with my husband, Ray Gingras, we created Vicki Tree’s new home on 43 acres of mature forest in August 2021.
Vicki Tree does two things. It provides an opportunity for visiting humans to embark on an experience, and/or holds a safe healing space for wellness leaders to share their wisdom with clients. Either way it evolved from the energy of one very special person: Vicki Cann. Let me explain.
In 2017 I lost my sister, Vicki Cann suddenly at the young age of 42 due to a congenital heart defect, a condition she was unaware of. Struck with immense pain, anger and a feeling of suffocating, I spent countless hours in Copeland Forest, drawn to its beauty and its unique ability to provide me with a safe, tranquil place to heal from such a loss. Hundreds of hours in this woods allowed me to slowly piece together a hard copy of a trail map of Copeland Forest, of which I sold to community members, donating the proceeds back to Copeland Forest Friends. This process connected me with the owners of a piece of 43 acres of land that I mistakenly thought was part of Copeland’s trail system. Things from there snowballed as I revised my map to reflect my mistake, eventually learning this land was for sale. When my family purchased this land, we did it with the vision of creating Vicki Tree’s new home - a space of healing, hope and calm. It felt like I had gone “full circle”. With her death came a silver lining - a connection with owners of land that would become our family’s exciting new future, a future of new beginnings, creations and love.
Meaning Behind the Name “Vicki Tree”
My sister Vicki use to decorate her Christmas Tree well past the holidays. In January she would drag her tree out onto her porch and decorate it as each holiday approached (Valentine’s Day, St. Patty’s, Easter, Mothers Day and so forth) until late April when the needles started to fall off. At that point, she felt the tree was ready to “move on” after serving its purpose. In early Jan 2017, when Vicki suddenly passed, we arrived to find her tree still decorated for Xmas. We dragged the tree out onto her porch and redecorated it with her children, family and friends as we celebrated her life. As a result, other people followed suit in memory of her. Thus came the name Vicki Tree, defined as “A tree that can be decorated at any time, by anyone, because you can”. Each year my family carries on this tradition, decorating a tree for special occasions in memory of her. Take a peak at her past trees and ours as we stay united in memories forever.
Vicki was kind, empahetic and always optimistic. She treated everyone with respect and got joy out of seeing others succeed. Her spirit and memory live on in her beautiful children, Benjamin and Maggie. Our family intends to ensure Vicki Tree also oozes the same respect, joy and love towards others that Vicki continuously gave everyone. Love ya Vic!

Our Founder
Mental Health From Virginia’s Lens
Focusing on positive mental health is a top priority for myself and my family. During my high school and university years, I suffered from an eating disorder and resulting depression that lasted over 5 years. With therapy and the support of loved ones, I was able to recover and regain control of my life. As a result of this experience, I know first hand how important positive mental health is to our overall well-being. I firmly believe that healthy lifestyles and the celebration of our bodies’ natural shapes and sizes need to be addressed continuously as part of overall awareness of mental health issues. I developed motivational presentations around Positive Mental Health, presenting at various schools, private groups & businesses in the Ottawa, Toronto and Simcoe County areas. Please Click Here to learn more about these presentations.
I believe that continuously working on maintaining a positive mental health is at the core of a happy life, and have felt this way for years. Way back in 2015, I organized a Virginia Vs Bruce adventure to raise money & awareness for Positive Mental Health in youth ($18,000). It entailed me running the Bruce Trail End to End (900km) in just 13 days, 6 hours and 28 minutes, securing the fasted known women’s time, until it was beaten by another athlete two years later. To learn more about this adventure (pics, videos and blogs) Click Here.
Personally, trail running is a positive coping mechanisms I use to help me handle stress, emotions and an “off day” instead of using food like I did in the past. Trail running gives me peace. I love the feeling of “floating” and feel free in the wilderness. I am just “me” on the trails – not a mom, teacher, wife or number in a line. I find it very therapeutic. As I explore different trails and challenge myself for new feats, I always feel energized and alive. What makes you feel alive?
Born in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, I grew up surrounded by the beauty of the forest and quickly grew to love the outdoors. I graduated from Acadia University with a Kinesiology Degree, followed by an Education Degree and finally a Master’s in Educational Leadership from Bishops University. For 15 years, I was immersed in the education system holding various roles which included senior high school math + science teacher, Math Department Head, Elementary Principal, Summer School High School Principal, WQSB Board Wide Math Consultant and motivational speaker. I left the education system to pursue my passion in wellness full time and turned my dream of running a wellness centre deep in the woods into a reality. That reality today is called Vicki Tree Yoga & Wellness.
I hold my RYT 500 hr Yoga Alliance certification and Mat Pilates Level 1 (Body Harmonics) as well as numerous related courses and continued education in the yoga related field. I am married to Ray Gingras (my rock and biggest supporter) and together we have two beautiful children, ages 15 and 16. Like many other families, we work hard at managing our busy schedules while at the same time finding that much needed balance for family time. Family always comes first, right along with our own individual positive mental health.
Fitness/Wellness Accomplishments
As a fitness instructor and outdoor enthusiast, I love all aspects of health and fitness. Competing in various road, trail and mountain bike events over the past 20 plus years have challenged me both mentally as well as physically. In 2013, I ran the Boston Marathon and like many other people, was greatly impacted by the bombings and tragic events that took place that day at the finish line. My husband and I walked away from the marathon physically unharmed, but emotionally impacted for life.
Our goals for our family life were reinvented. Our dreams became plans and eventually actions we made a priority to put in place. I gave up road running and changed my focus to trail running and began “ultra marathons” (anything 50 km or over for distance) and immersed myself in mountain biking. In 2015 I raised money for mental Health by completing a self organized 900 km run end to end on the Bruce Trail. I had to complete over 21 marathons in 13 days, but in the process raised $18,000 for Mental Health for the school system. Since then I have participated in numerous Ultra races and mountain bike adventures I created myself (like in 2022 completing 138km of single track trail in one day - all of Simcoe County Mountain Bike Trails) Most recently in summer 2023, I completed with my son (Ray-Ray age 15) a 50km Ultra Trail Race. It was a magical experience to be side by side with my son for all those hours of training and bonding.
The two pictures below show me finishing two separate races - the 900km Bruce Trail end to end and the Ultra race in New York with my son. Both were gruelling, yet the pics it was well worth it! With every accomplishment there is a feeling and an accompanying thought. In these particular moments, my face shows what I was thinking. I am loved. I am supported. I am very capable. I am good enough just the way I am. That is what the 900 km (21.5 marathons – not miles – marathons) in over 13 days did for me. What’s your next challenge going to do for you?
St. Lucifer Crossing 21km Trail Race 2024, Ithaca New York (3rd female overall)
Cayuga 50 Ithica New York 2023 (Finished together side by side with my 15 year son together 50 km and 2000 m of climbing)
Simcoe County Mountain Bike Trails – Every trail in one day July 2022 (135 +km of single track in one day of light)
Limberlost 28km Trail Race 2022 (2nd girl overall)
Barrie Waterfront Half Marathon 2022 (1st girl 40 plus, 2nd girl overall)
Ran all of SCMBA Single Track Trails (89km) in 14hrs. 2021
Mountain Bike all of SCMBA Single Track Trails in Oro-Medonte (88.6km) in 6 hours and 20 min (2021)
Phoneix 50 km Trail Race 2019 (London, Ontario) 2nd overall girl, 11th overall men and women
Ran all Single Track Trails Copeland Forest (54km in 2020) in 8 hours
Mountain Bike all Single Track Trails Copeland Forest (54 km in 2019) in 5 hours 30 minutes
Finger Lakes 50’s (Finger Lakes Region, New York) 50km Race June 2018 (1st girl in age category)
Laurel Highlands 50 km Trail Race (2017 PA, USA – 3rd girl overall, 8th overall male and female)
End to End Bruce Trail Run: 900 km in 13 days (2015) – that is 70 km a day (fastest known time for female from 2015-2017)
50 km Ultra Bear Mountain Trail Race (New York 2015 – 6th girl 14th overall)
Cayuga 50 Mile Ultra Marathon (80 km) (USA National Championship trail race, Ithaca New York 2014 & 2016 – 15th girl)
Hardwood Solo 50km Single Track Mountain Bike Race (2013)
Boston Marathon 2013
Disney Marathon 2012
30 km Around the Bay Race (2010, 2011, 2012)
Vulture Bait 25 km Trail Race (2010, 2012, 2015)
Seaton 30 km Trail Race (1st place overall for women 2011)
Mississauga Marathon 2010
Numerous Half Marathons, 8 hour Mountain Bike Races, 15-30 km Trail Races
Numerous Mountain Bike Adventures (Colorado 2012-2014, Switzerland 2017, Moab…)

Our Space
As you drive down Vicki Tree’s 700 meter wooded drive way, you will feel the weight of your day being lifted from your shoulders. As you bend the final corner, your healing space awaits. Here you will find three Australian Shepards (Rex, Rio & Winston) bounding towards you with a warm welcome. Past them awaits a forest plank, boardroom, reception area, two large gathering spaces, a fire pit and more. No details have been missed.
The simplicity of this beautiful space speaks for itself. Take a peak at the FULL PHOTO GALLERY and to get a real feel of what the “healing space” looks like. Then come and visit so you understand why so many people say “it’s more than just a place, it’s an experience”.
Awaiting your arrival with goosebumps of excitement,
Virginia :)